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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Behave configuration & Tags for PyCharm IDE (BDD)

If your want to building your skills on BDD style automation development especially with python language. First you will need a Run/Debug configuration that can execute feature files. Here is a little configuration info for PyCharm IDE. In example i just configured for behave framework (very popular in python bdd projects).

Don't worry about the error its just  saying you should map a .py file to execute but behave executing that files instead of you

Lets say you have 100 scenarios in your feature file and you want to run tests for specific set.
Until now TAGS are best option for this purpose.

@wipScenario: Case_94441
  Given Enter "94441" specific url
  When Select specified options from listbox
  Then Check success pop-up
 I used @wip (work in progress) tag in exampe  which is one of the common used tags in BDD. So when i'm develpoing some scenarios , now i can run only @wip tagged scenarios to check my code by a simple configuration generation. Here is an example run/debug config for specific tag in PyCharm IDE:

Ofcourse you can run your tests with console
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Item Reviewed: Behave configuration & Tags for PyCharm IDE (BDD) Rating: 5 Reviewed By: onurcelep
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